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511 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:5Ka+z8ENXo

หน่านี้โคแหล่ โคโนะมู้นี้

512 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:s2Z8CtemYd


513 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:KQ+vZbu3O/

私はタイ人です 貴方は何人ですか?

514 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:KQ+vZbu3O/

私はタイ人です 貴方はなん人ですか?

515 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:Et4Mspg1p4

ドモ ボクハダム人デス。

516 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:iZP8MLIf83


517 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

お泊まりしていました - I was staying the night

518 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.


519 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.


Gakusei no toki wa yoku o tomari ni kite imashita

When I was a student, I often came to stay over.

520 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

- O tomari shite imashita
- I was staying the night

521 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

- Kaeru no ga mendokusaikara

522 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

- 2-Ji made nondemashita
- ฉันดื่มจนถึงบ่ายสอง

523 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

健康には良くないけど - Kenkō ni wa yokunaikedo - มันไม่ดีต่อสุขภาพของคุณ

524 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

お酒が得意ではない - O sake ga tokuide wanai - ฉันไม่เก่งเรื่องการดื่ม

525 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

最近は酔いやすくなった - Saikin wa yoi yasuku natta - ช่วงนี้ฉันเมาง่ายขึ้น

526 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

最近は飲める量が少なくなた - Saikin wa nomeru ryō ga sukunakunata - ช่วงนี้ฉันดื่มได้ไม่มาก

527 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

読める本の量が減った - Yomeru hon no ryō ga hetta - The amount of books I can read has decreased

528 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

読める機会が減った - Yomeru kikai ga hetta - I have fewer opportunities to read

529 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

助けられない - Tasuke rarenai

530 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

顔は選べない - Kao wa erabenai - I can't choose the face

531 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

危険 - Risk

532 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

タイの男性はみんな素直に物事を話します - Tai no dansei wa min'na sunao ni monogoto o hanashimasu - All Thai men speak honestly.

533 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

積極的に - actively

534 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:bqj0TV1nw.

愛は永遠じゃない - Ai wa eien janai - love isn't forever

535 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:jsuBz0lwCi

Dangers of Talking About Others' Feelings in Japanese

536 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:86rEI9/Zuc

冷麺 - れいめん

537 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:86rEI9/Zuc

ゆうがた - Evening

538 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:86rEI9/Zuc


539 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:86rEI9/Zuc


Have you ever been hit on on the train?
You'll regret it.
You're not old.

540 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:86rEI9/Zuc


Do you get excited when you see a handsome person?

541 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:86rEI9/Zuc

Nareru - To get used too


542 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:86rEI9/Zuc

Do you get used to being praised?

543 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:C5arutyBIL


544 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:xQ8aJLRRn3

Kyōsō-ryoku - 競争力
はげしい - Violent

545 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:xQ8aJLRRn3

国立大学 - Kunitachidaigaku - National university

546 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:xQ8aJLRRn3

国立大学: national university
私立大学: private university

547 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:xQ8aJLRRn3

銃 - ju - gun

548 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:xQ8aJLRRn3

政策 - policy - Seisaku

549 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:xQ8aJLRRn3

カルト - cult

550 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:xQ8aJLRRn3

詐欺 - scam

551 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:xQ8aJLRRn3

老人 - Rōjin - old people

552 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:xQ8aJLRRn3

休憩中 - きゅうけいちゅう, kyūkeichū

553 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:6f58gvzW5u

略 - hobo - regularly

554 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:joBnW.yW2H


555 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:joBnW.yW2H


Kanojo wa rainen Kankoku de seikei o uketai to itte imasu

She says she wants to undergo plastic surgery in Korea next year.

556 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:joBnW.yW2H


Kanojo wa seiteki yokkyū o mitashitai

557 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:joBnW.yW2H


Otōsan ni sokubaku sa rete iru ne

You're tied down by your father.

558 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:joBnW.yW2H

Nani mo kanjinai

i don't feel a thing

559 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:joBnW.yW2H


560 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:hVo+/0/fSw

はるなさん 愛している
明日、来週 来年 s*にたい
今どうすればいいかな 私の気持ちどうすればいいか分からない

561 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ


562 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

早く帰るメリットがないです - Denki-dai ga kakarimasu
There is no point in going home early.

563 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

理由、目的 - Riyū, mokuteki - Reason, purpose

564 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

つい食べちゃう - Tsui tabe chau - I can't help but eat it

565 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

恋愛 - Ren'ai - love affair

566 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

つい食べちゃう - Tsui tabe chau - I can't help but eat it

567 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

つい気になってしまいます - Tsui ki ni natte shimaimasu - I can't help but worry about it.

568 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

1食あたり800円くらいになりますね - 1 Shokuatari 800-en kurai ni narimasu ne - It will cost about 800 yen per meal.

569 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

1日食事に2400円かかると - 1-Nichi shokuji ni 2400-en kakaru to - If it costs 2,400 yen a day to eat

570 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

ドルで保険に加入しています - Doru de hoken ni kanyū shite imasu - I have insurance for $

571 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

綺麗な女性が家にいれば早く帰ります - Kireina josei ga ie ni ireba hayaku kaerimasu - If there is a beautiful woman at home, I will come home early.

572 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:b6D1vvxsRJ

本当は豚カフェにいきたかったのですが、予約をしていなかったので入れませんでした。 - Hontōwa buta kafe ni ikitakatta nodesuga, yoyaku o shite inakattanode iremasendeshita. - I actually wanted to go to the Pig Cafe, but I couldn't get in because I didn't make a reservation.

573 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:2suMTEecti

晴れていました - Harete imashita - It was sunny

574 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:2suMTEecti

xxのせいで →bad

575 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:2suMTEecti

電気代が高い -> Denki-dai ga takai -> High electricity bill

576 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:2suMTEecti

節約ですね -> Setsuyakudesu ne -> It's a saving

577 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:2suMTEecti

less spending → 節約
散財しない→be careful with money

578 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:r4WsJ9Dd4h

People who are careful with money will think a lot before buying expensive things
Think a lot or think carefully

579 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:f43u+ZOlYL

缶 パン - ขนมปังกระป๋อง

580 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:f43u+ZOlYL


Taifū ga atta toki, tawāmanshon ni sunde iru hito wa, dansui shite shimattanode toire ga dekimasendeshita.

581 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:f43u+ZOlYL

Junsui ni kawaii ko to asobitaidesu
I just want to play with a cute girl

582 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:f43u+ZOlYL

Son'nani merittoganaidesu

There is not much benefit

583 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:f43u+ZOlYL

Nihonjin ga takusan kinmedaru o torimashita

The Japanese won many gold medals.

584 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:f43u+ZOlYL

I just want to play with a cute girl

585 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:f43u+ZOlYL

Nihon to Tai no dochira o ōen suru no?
Will you be rooting for Japan or Thailand?

586 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:sghZoTtWp8



motivation goes down


costs go down


the level goes down

Context Sentences

My mood is lower on rainy days.


Excuse me. Your jeans are hanging down and I can see your panties.


Scores have dropped since last year.

587 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:sghZoTtWp8


Generally speaking, the students of this class are very good.

588 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:sghZoTtWp8

>>587 この組の生徒は全体に出来がよい。
(Generally speaking, the students of this class are very good.)

1. この組の生徒 (このくみのせいと)
この (kono): This
組 (くみ, kumi): Class or group
の (no): Possessive particle, meaning "of" or "belonging to"
生徒 (せいと, seito): Students
この組の生徒 means "The students of this class."

2. は (wa)
This is the topic marker particle. It indicates that "この組の生徒" (the students of this class) is the topic of the sentence.
3. 全体に (ぜんたいに, zentai ni)
全体 (ぜんたい, zentai): The whole, entirety
に (ni): Particle indicating direction or scope
全体に can be translated as "generally speaking" or "overall."

4. 出来がよい (できがよい, deki ga yoi)
出来 (でき, deki): Ability, performance, or output
が (ga): Subject marker particle
よい (yoi): Good
出来がよい means "is good" in the sense of performance or ability.

Putting It All Together:
この組の生徒は (kono kumi no seito wa): "The students of this class" (topic)
全体に (zentai ni): "Generally speaking" or "overall"
出来がよい (deki ga yoi): "Are very good" (in terms of performance)
Full Translation:
"Generally speaking, the students of this class are very good."
Grammar Points:
Topic Marker (は, wa): Marks the topic of the sentence, which is "the students of this class" here.
Possessive Particle (の, no): Links "class" to "students," showing possession or belonging.
Particle (に, ni): Used to indicate the scope or extent in this context, giving the meaning of "generally speaking."
Subject Marker (が, ga): Marks the subject "ability/performance" which is being described as good.
This sentence structure is typical in Japanese, where the topic is introduced first, followed by the scope or context, and then the main statement.

589 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:kd.jEPbC/0


There are so many things to learn in life.


My brother is a student studying robotic engineering.


Learning is important, but perhaps what’s more important is how you learn.

590 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:PH2FJwan2w

Quruli - Amber Colored City, The Morning of The Shanghai Crab | Japanese

591 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:PH2FJwan2w


592 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:DkQxIIzwJ+

Shussha shimasu ka?

593 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:DkQxIIzwJ+


594 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:DkQxIIzwJ+


595 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:DkQxIIzwJ+



596 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:DkQxIIzwJ+


597 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:DkQxIIzwJ+

知的な言葉 - Chitekina kotoba - Intelligent words

598 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:DkQxIIzwJ+

せいこう success

599 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:DkQxIIzwJ+

1歳差です - 1 Saisadesu - There is a one year age difference

600 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:DkQxIIzwJ+

叔父 - Oji - uncle

601 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:95+ujQRoPa

Certainly! The sentence "ある女性が、バーの椅子に座っていた。" can be broken down as follows:

ある (Aru): This word means "a certain" or "some" when used before a noun. In this case, it indicates that the woman being referred to is not specified but is just "a certain woman" or "some woman."

女性 (Josei): This means "woman" or "female."

が (Ga): This is the subject marker. It shows that "女性" (woman) is the subject of the sentence. In Japanese, this particle indicates who or what is performing the action.

バー (Bā): This is the katakana version of the word "bar." It refers to a place where people go to drink alcohol.

の (No): This particle shows possession or association. In this sentence, it connects "バー" (bar) with "椅子" (isu), indicating "the chair of the bar" or "bar's chair."

椅子 (Isu): This means "chair."

に (Ni): This particle indicates the direction or location of an action. In this case, it shows where the woman sat down, so it translates to "on" or "in."

座っていた (Suwatte ita): This is the past progressive form of the verb "座る" (suwaru), which means "to sit." The past progressive form indicates that the action was ongoing in the past. So, "座っていた" means "was sitting."

Putting it all together:
"ある女性が、バーの椅子に座っていた。" means "A woman was sitting on a chair at the bar."

This sentence describes a scene in the past, where a certain woman was sitting on a chair in a bar. The grammar structures like "が" (subject marker), "に" (location marker), and the verb in the past progressive form "座っていた" (was sitting) are key components to understand the sentence.

602 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:jpptB+28vu

The sentence "スキーはどこでしてたの?" translates to "Where were you skiing?" in English. Let's break down the grammar:

スキー (sukii): This means "skiing" and is the topic of the sentence.
は (wa): This is the topic marker. It indicates that "skiing" is the topic being discussed.
どこで (doko de): "どこ" means "where," and "で" is a particle indicating the place where an action occurs. Together, "どこで" means "at where" or "where."
してた (shiteta): This is the past continuous form of the verb "する (suru)," which means "to do." "してた" implies an action that was ongoing in the past, so "してた" translates to "was doing" or "were doing."
の? (no?): This is a sentence-ending particle that adds a questioning tone, often used in casual speech. It softens the question, making it sound more informal and conversational.
So, the entire sentence "スキーはどこでしてたの?" asks about the location where someone was skiing, with a friendly, informal tone.

603 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:95+ujQRoPa

The Japanese word "悔しい" (kuyashii) expresses a feeling of frustration, regret, or chagrin, typically when something doesn't go as hoped, or when one experiences a setback, loss, or disappointment.

悔しい (kuyashii): "Frustrating," "regrettable," or "vexing."
悔しい is often used when someone feels upset or disappointed about a situation that didn't turn out as desired, especially when they believe it could have been different or better.
For example:
(Shiken ni ochite kuyashii.)
"I'm frustrated (or disappointed) that I failed the exam."
This word conveys a strong emotional response, often tied to feelings of regret or the desire to have done better.

604 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:95+ujQRoPa

The Japanese phrase "よろこんでます" (yorokondemasu) comes from the verb "喜ぶ" (yorokobu), which means "to be happy" or "to be pleased." The verb "yorokobu" is in its polite present continuous form, "yorokondeimasu," which is often contracted to "yorokondemasu."

よろこんでます (yorokondemasu): "I am happy," "I am pleased," or "I am delighted."
喜ぶ (yorokobu):
The root verb meaning "to be happy" or "to be pleased."
喜んで (yorokonde):
The "て" form of "yorokobu," which connects the verb to "います" to indicate a continuous action or state.
います (imasu):
A polite auxiliary verb used to indicate the present continuous tense, showing that the action or state is ongoing.
In this case, it indicates that the person is currently happy or pleased.
This phrase is used when expressing happiness or pleasure in a situation. It’s often used in formal or polite contexts.

605 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:95+ujQRoPa

2つの意見 (ふたつのいけん):

2つ (ふたつ): "two" or "a pair." This is the counter for counting two things.
意見 (いけん): "opinions" or "views." So, 2つの意見 means "the two opinions."

A particle indicating the direction or point of focus. In this case, it's used to mark the "two opinions" as the subject of the comparison.
大した (たいした):

An adjective meaning "significant" or "considerable." It's often used in a negative context when you want to say that something isn't very important or noteworthy.
差 (さ):

"Difference" or "gap." This is the key noun that indicates what is being compared between the two opinions.

The topic marker particle, used to emphasize what comes after it. In this case, it emphasizes the lack of a significant difference.

The negative form of the verb ある, meaning "there is not" or "does not exist."
Putting It All Together:
2つの意見に: "Between the two opinions"
大した差はない: "There is no significant difference"
Full Translation:
"There is no significant difference between the two opinions."

This sentence is expressing that the two opinions being compared are very similar, with no major differences between them.

606 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:95+ujQRoPa

#6 Adjectives Past & Past Negatives┃Japanese Absolute Beginners

607 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:95+ujQRoPa

In Japanese, both "手前" (temae) and "前" (mae) refer to concepts of "before" or "in front," but they are used in different contexts and carry different nuances:

手前 (temae):

Meaning: It can mean "in front of," "before," or "the area just before something." It is often used to refer to a specific area close to the speaker or the current location, and sometimes in more formal or specific contexts.
Usage: It is used in contexts like giving directions or describing a specific location. For example, in a restaurant setting, "手前" might refer to the area in front of a counter or a particular place near where someone is standing.
前 (mae):

Meaning: It generally means "in front of," "before," or "previous" in a more general sense. It is used to refer to the position or time before something or someone.
Usage: This term is more commonly used and can refer to time or spatial positions. For example, "前に" (mae ni) can mean "before" in terms of time, as in "三日前" (san-nichigo) meaning "three days ago."

Here are some examples of how "手前" (temae) can be used in different contexts:

Spatial Context:

(Mise no temae de matte kudasai.)
"Please wait just before the store."
Here, "手前" (temae) specifies the area just in front of or near the store.


(Kōsaten no temae de hidari ni magatte kudasai.)
"Turn left just before the intersection."
In this case, "手前" (temae) indicates the area close to the intersection where the turn should be made.

Formal Situations:

(Temae no kaigishitsu ga aiteimasu.)
"The meeting room just in front is available."
Here, "手前" (temae) is used to describe the meeting room that is close to or in front of the current location.

In these examples, "手前" (temae) helps specify a location or point in relation to something else, often used in more specific or formal contexts.

608 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:95+ujQRoPa

In Japanese, the particle "ず" (zu) is used to indicate the absence of something or the negation of an action. It is typically used in classical or formal contexts and can sometimes be seen in older texts or more formal written Japanese. It often appears in the form "〜ず" or "〜ずに" to mean "without" or "not doing [something]."

Here are a few examples:

Negating an Action:

(Ikazu ni matsu)
"Wait without going."
Here, "行かず" (ikazu) means "without going."

Classical Usage:

(Shiri mo sezu)
"Without knowing."
In this example, "知りもせず" (shiri mo sezu) translates to "without knowing."

In modern Japanese, you might more commonly see the concept of "without" expressed with phrases like "〜ないで" (〜naide) or "〜ずに" (〜zu ni) in everyday conversation.

609 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:DIMgk+vqbk

In the sentence "を食べるのは、彼だ," the use of "のは" is correct and commonly used to emphasize that the action of eating is associated with "彼" (he).

If you change it to "を食べるのが、彼だ," it slightly alters the nuance. Using "のが" instead of "のは" would place more emphasis on the action itself being the subject, rather than the overall statement.

"を食べるのは、彼だ。" → The focus is on the fact that he is the one who eats.
"を食べるのが、彼だ。" → The focus shifts to the act of eating, identifying he as the one doing it.
While both can be used, "のは" is more natural in this context because it emphasizes the identification of the subject (彼) related to the action. "のが" is less common in such sentences but not grammatically incorrect. It just changes the emphasis slightly.

610 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:DIMgk+vqbk

"今日は先生が休みなので、授業がなくなった," the phrase "なので" is used to connect the cause (the teacher is on break) with the effect (the class was canceled). Let's break down why "なので" is necessary here:

"ので" by itself:

"ので" is a conjunction that means "because" or "since," and it’s used to indicate a reason or cause. It’s typically used to connect two clauses where the first clause provides the reason for the second.
However, "ので" is usually preceded by a plain form of a verb, adjective, or noun.
Why "な" is needed before "ので":

When you want to use "ので" after a noun or a na-adjective (形容動詞, keiyō dōshi), you need to add "な" before "ので" to make the connection grammatically correct.
In your sentence, "休み" (yasumi) is functioning as a noun, and "先生が休み" describes the current situation. Since you’re connecting this noun phrase to "ので," you must insert "な" to form "なので."
Example Breakdown:
先生が休み (Sensei ga yasumi) — The teacher is on break.
なので (nanode) — Because of that, or since that’s the case.
So, "今日は先生が休みなので、授業がなくなった。" means "Since the teacher is on break today, the class was canceled."

What if you use just "ので"?
If you used only "ので" without "な," the sentence would be grammatically incorrect when connecting to a noun or a na-adjective, as the correct connector "な" is required.

Use "なので" when connecting a noun or na-adjective to "ので" to indicate reason or cause.
Use "ので" directly after verbs and i-adjectives in their plain form.

611 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID6:DIMgk+vqbk

Japanese Sentence:
(かれは とても しんせつだ と ききました)

彼 (かれ, kare) - he
とても (totemo) - very
親切 (しんせつ, shinsetsu) - kind
だ (da) - copula, equivalent to "is" in informal speech
と (to) - quoting particle, used to quote speech or thoughts
聞きました (ききました, kikimashita) - polite past form of 聞く (きく, kiku), meaning "to hear" or "to listen"
Grammar Breakdown:
彼は (かれは, kare wa):

彼 (kare) means "he."
は (wa) is the topic marker, indicating that "he" is the topic of the sentence.
とても親切だ (とても しんせつだ, totemo shinsetsu da):

とても (totemo) means "very."
親切 (しんせつ, shinsetsu) means "kind."
だ (da) is the informal copula, equivalent to "is." It is used to state that "he is very kind."
と (to):

This is the quoting particle. It is used to mark the preceding clause as something that was heard or said.
It functions like quotation marks in English, but it's not limited to direct speech; it can also introduce indirect information.
聞きました (ききました, kikimashita):

聞きました is the polite past form of 聞く (きく, kiku), which means "to hear" or "to listen."
Here, it indicates that the speaker heard the information from someone else in the past.
"Heard that he is very kind."

The structure [Sentence] + と + 聞きました is used to express that you heard something from someone else.
だ is used here as an informal copula, connecting the subject "he" with the adjective "kind."
The sentence overall conveys indirect information, attributing the quality of kindness to "him" as something the speaker heard.
Let me know if you'd like further clarification!

612 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:Wd593WK2O8

日焼け - Hiyake - Sunburn

613 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:Wd593WK2O8

熱中症 -> Netsuchūshō -> Heat stroke

614 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:Wd593WK2O8

多摩川 - Tama River

615 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:Wd593WK2O8

花粉症 - Hay Fever

616 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:Wd593WK2O8

桜は大好き。でもその季節は目が痒くなります - I love cherry blossoms, but my eyes get itchy during that season.

617 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:Wd593WK2O8

大会 - Tournament

618 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:Wd593WK2O8


619 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:Wd593WK2O8

Divorce - 離婚 - Rikon

620 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:Wd593WK2O8

幸せになるのは難しい - It is hard to be happy

621 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:LNb13fC/b/

【N2文法】#13 〜というものではない

622 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:LNb13fC/b/


This translates to "It was a warm and pleasant day."

1. ぽかぽかと (Poka-poka to):
ぽかぽか (poka-poka) is an onomatopoeic expression in Japanese that describes a warm, comfortable feeling, like when you're basking in the sun or feeling cozy warmth. It evokes a sense of gentle, pleasant warmth.
と (to) is a particle that often accompanies onomatopoeic words to emphasize the state or manner of something happening. In this case, it emphasizes the warmth described by "ぽかぽか."
2. 暖かい (あたたかい, Atatakai):
暖かい (あたたかい) means "warm" in a physical or emotional sense. It's commonly used to describe warm weather, objects, or feelings.
3. 日 (ひ, Hi):
日 (ひ, hi) means "day" in this context. It refers to a day or daytime.
4. だった (Datta):
だった is the past tense of です (desu), which is a copula (a linking verb similar to "is" or "was"). So だった means "was."
Putting it all together:
ぽかぽか (warm and cozy feeling) + と (emphasis) + 暖かい日 (a warm day) + だった (was) = "It was a warm and pleasant day."
This sentence evokes a comfortable and peaceful feeling, like enjoying a nice day outside.

623 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:LNb13fC/b/
N3文法 くらい【程度】 N3 Grammar-KURAI [Degree] for intermediate Japanese lesson

624 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:z6SAsdwfmm

一歳ちがい - one year different

625 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:z6SAsdwfmm

退勤 - Taikin - Leaving office

626 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:z6SAsdwfmm

現代的な - contemporary

627 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:z6SAsdwfmm

年収 - Nenshū

628 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:cblMKVXzuh

Sentence: あなたは彼の金銭面での援助を当てにはできない
(Anata wa kare no kinseimmen de no enjo o ate ni wa dekinai)

1. あなた (Anata) - "You"
あなた (anata) means "you" in Japanese.
This is the subject of the sentence.
2. 彼 (Kare) - "He"
彼 (kare) means "he."
Here, it is possessive because it is followed by の (no).
3. 金銭面 (Kinseimmen) - "Financial aspect"
金銭 (kinsen) means "money" or "financial."
面 (men) means "aspect" or "side."
Together, 金銭面 (kinseimmen) refers to "financial aspect."
4. での (de no) - "in terms of" or "regarding"
で (de) is a particle that indicates the context or condition (in this case, "in the financial aspect").
の (no) is a possessive particle, connecting 金銭面 and 援助.
5. 援助 (Enjo) - "Assistance" or "Support"
援助 (enjo) means "assistance" or "support."
6. を (o) - Direct object marker
を (o) indicates that 援助 is the direct object of the verb.
7. 当てに (Ate ni) - "To rely on" or "To count on"
当てにする (ate ni suru) means "to rely on" or "to count on."
当てにはできない means "cannot rely on."
8. できない (Dekinai) - "Cannot"
できない (dekinai) is the negative form of できる (dekiru), meaning "can" or "be able to."
できない means "cannot" or "not able to."
Putting It All Together:
あなたは: "You"
彼の: "His"
金銭面での援助を: "financial assistance" (literally, "assistance in terms of the financial aspect")
当てにはできない: "cannot rely on" or "cannot count on."
Translation: "You cannot rely on his financial assistance."

629 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:cblMKVXzuh


普段 (ふだん, fudan): usually, normally
は (wa): topic marker, indicating the topic of the sentence
お化粧 (おけしょう, okeshou): makeup
しない (shinai): don't do, don't wear (negative form of the verb する suru, which means "to do")
よ (yo): sentence-ending particle, adds emphasis

630 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:oOBlEN7tAE

気持ちが抑えきれない - Kimochi ga osae kirenai - I can't control my feelings

631 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:oOBlEN7tAE

アルコールを飲みたい気持ちを抑えられない - Arukōru o nomitai kimochi o osae rarenai - I can't control my desire to drink alcohol

632 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:oOBlEN7tAE

好きな気持ちを抑えられない - Sukina kimochi o osae rarenai - I can't suppress my feelings of love

633 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:oOBlEN7tAE

間食をしたい気持ちを抑えられない - Kanshoku o shitai kimochi o osae rarenai - I can't resist the urge to snack

634 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:oOBlEN7tAE

間食をよくするのに、太ってないですね - Kanshoku o yoku suru no ni, futottenaidesu ne -Even though I snack a lot, I'm not fat.

635 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:oOBlEN7tAE


Kanshoku o yoku suru no ni, futottenaidesu ne
You're gaining weight even though you don't snack at all.

636 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:oOBlEN7tAE

タンパク質 - protein

637 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:oOBlEN7tAE

でっか!- Big

ちっさ! - Small

638 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

このシャツが似合うね - You look good in this shirt

639 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

うまくいきましたか? - Did it work?

640 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

結果 = Result

641 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

生徒は減ってします - Seito wa hette shimasu - The number of students is decreasing

642 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

彼らは日本人講師をもう募集していないそうです - Apparently they are no longer recruiting Japanese instructors.

643 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

育児をする - Ikuji o suru - Raising children

644 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

結婚生活 - Married life

645 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

そう思います - I think so

646 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+


647 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

イケメンで面白くて、優しい人 - Ikemen de omoshirokute, yasashī hito - Handsome, funny and kind person

648 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

サラさんは告白されることは多いですか? - Do people confess their feelings to you often, Sarah?

649 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

多い方だったと思います - I think it was a lot of people.

650 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

恋愛を成功させるのは難しい - Ren'ai o seikō sa seru no wa muzukashī - It is difficult to succeed in love

651 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:UtAcFCfl.+

初めから、自分の欲望を言わない方がいいと思います = I think it's best not to state your desires from the start.

652 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:eivOQTjoPF

停電 - tenden - blackout

653 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:eivOQTjoPF

待つしかない - You can only wait

654 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:eivOQTjoPF

自然が都会より多い - Shizen ga tokai yori ōi - There is more nature than in the city

655 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:eivOQTjoPF

ロマンチック - Romatic

656 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:ADwxDzHY0i


657 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

高校生の時に買ったので - I bought it when I was in high school.

658 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

ボロボロ - แปลว่า

659 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

女優 -> joyu -> actress

660 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

自由 -> jiyu -> Freedom

661 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

ユーチューバー -> Youtuber

662 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3


663 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

給料があまり入らない -> I don't get paid much

664 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

今日はいい日だ - Today is a good day

665 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

翻訳しなくなった - No longer translated

666 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

一日中見てられます - Ichinichijū mi te raremasu - I could watch it all day

667 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

お母さんは言ってないです - Okāsan wa ittenaidesu - My mother didn't say

668 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3


669 Nameless Fanboi Posted ID:17j6MDL5.3

最後の月ですね - Last month

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