Electro Archon:
1. Dual personality, The outer electro archon (EA) and inner EA
2. EA is related to energy recharge
3. Outer EA focuses on ER and support, weapon is polearm
4. Inner EA focuses on DPS and crowd control. Weapon is sword, with untied hair, hair colour will turn purple entirely
Inner EA is the first generation EA
5. EA has a unique mechanic, in which she can consume elemental energy using her elemental skill(E). This applies to both parts of EA. Outer EA consumes energy to charge her party member's energy, inner EA consumes more energy to deal more damage.
6. Constellations and talents revolve around energy management and switching between personalities.
7. Due to the effects of certain talents, she will switch to inner EA a few seconds after her energy is fully charged (compulsory), or can be switched manually. (You can use the elemental burst (Q) before it is fully charged to activate the inner EA's E, but it will be weaker, and you will not get an actual ult effect.)
8. Inner EA will continuously consume energy, and enter DPS mode, the E skill will also be changed, and consume energy to deal even more damage, Q will change into Musou no Ittou.
9. Musou no Ittou:
After activating, the light sword will start charging, and will lock in the amount of energy you currently have on all characters, which can still be consumed by her own elemental skill (If you lock in the energy level right before using Q on other characters, you can retain full energy even after using the Qs)
All energy obtained during the effect will go towards charging the light sword, and at the end of its duration will consume all other characters' energy to charge itself up.
Based on the amount of energy that should have been consumed (debuff, usage by other characters' Qs, and using her E, will all reduce her nuke damage), as well as the amount of energy obtained during the same duration (elemental particles and party buffs, EA constellations, will increase her nuke damage), she will launch a single nuke.
Note: I think they mean that the nuke damage will be modified based on the net energy gained during the charging period.
Net gain of energy > higher damage
Net loss of energy > lower damage
So you can choose between throwing out multiple other nukes for free during charging period, or making a bunch of particles to buff the final nuke damage, similar to Eula.
10. Outer EA is a kind and caring big sister, sacrificing her own energy and giving it to her party members. While inner EA is a scary big sister, sacrificing the entire teams energy to buff her own nuke.