อันนี้มีคนแปะเพิ่ม ทุกคนคิดว่าไง อ่านในเธรดคือ เคียวและคนอื่นๆก็ให้คำแนะนำ ด้าน financial
he was able to make a lot of profit and buy land and anycolor can prescribe you accountants and that’s been the case with some of the other livers. Mysta said the problem with the one he hired was that they didn’t file them properly and he had to pay 40k in late fees
when he was only supposed to pay 21k in taxes. But he says his new accountant was one prescribed by the company, so there did seem to be an attempt by the company to help him with that
รุ้งก็ช่วยนี่นา ยังไงวะ งง