Since this matter is quite complicated, it take me quite too much time
Even with that side, I still see it unrelated that much. Let me explain that >>695 said "the expert use the words that people will understand easily but boast one will use the word that's technically right but didn't care whoever will understand it" and from your word about that side of dunning kruger "the skilled is usually be uncertain of himself, and always explaining things with what he familiar hoping that everyone is as the same level as him." The matter >>695 said is about 'how different type of people communicated' not ‘how different type of people react with thing’. Even it’s indirectly related to how people get thing done, It’s surely doesn’t related to whether category you’re in dunning kruger effect.
I think a bit of example should work? “John is able to teach basic physics to kids but Bob isn’t.”. This example doesn’t care whether John and Bob is in which category of dunning kruger since it’s about how they communicated to kids and make them know basic physics. It’s extractly as >>695 word and condition. But what about your own word? Now, will you still claimed that it’s related to dunning kruger effect?